Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have recently became engaged with 'Lamography' photography and treated myself to the fine 'Diana Mini F+ (en rose edition)'. My my, what wonderful things, this, little toy camera can dooo.

It uses 35mm films, both colour and black and white. The the truly special thing about it is that it takes you back to the day, in particular for me, my highschool years. No more perfectly manicured and crafted 'DP' pics, GONE are the requests to delete so quickly and no second chances. Just point and shoot and once the film has finished, you take a trip down to your local camera joint and get them developed.
A big HELLO to eagerly awaiting, spontaneity and surprises. It's a lucky dip really - you have no idea what you'll get and how it will turn out. Yes, a majority of them will be average, simple shots that you may or may not have kept if you had a digital cam, but then you will find that one gem that makes it all worthwhile.

I find nowadays we are so use to discarding something that may not appeal straight away, or we will try the same pose tweaking it to make it seemingly 'perfect'. This little baby allows you to take every picture for what it is, a moment in your time. A each moment really should be treasured.

Obviously, with any good thing, practice makes perfect.. Here are a few shots that come about with the 'Diana Mini'.

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